Open Letter from Artists to US Congress

The Creative Commons website features an open letter addressed to the U.S. Congress, penned by artists who utilize generative AI tools in their work. The letter emphasizes the diversity within the artist community and how generative AI tools are making art more accessible and opening up new creative mediums.

The artists point out that their work is often misrepresented, particularly in the context of „data theft“ and „imitation.“ They argue that their art is grounded in originality and creativity, and that they use these new tools to create transformative new works.

The letter calls on the U.S. Congress to include artists in discussions and regulations surrounding generative AI systems. The artists stress that they can bring a crucial perspective into this discussion as they use these tools daily. They see a unique opportunity to responsibly shape the development of generative AI and call for their voices to be heard in this increasingly urgent discourse.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Diversity of the Artist Community: The letter emphasizes that artists are not a homogeneous group and many are benefiting from the new technologies of generative AI.
  2. Misrepresentation and Prejudices: Many artists feel misunderstood and misrepresented, especially in the context of „data theft“ and „imitation.“ They stress that their work is grounded in originality and creativity.
  3. Inclusion in Regulation: The artists call for their inclusion in ongoing discussions and regulations surrounding generative AI systems. They argue that their daily experience with these tools provides them with a crucial perspective that should not be missing in the discussion.

Thought-Provoking Questions:

  1. How can the voice of artists be effectively included in discussions and regulations surrounding generative AI?
  2. To what extent can generative AI tools change the landscape of art, and what ethical considerations should be taken into account?
  3. How can artists combat the misrepresentation of their work with generative AI tools?

Source: Creative Commons Open Letter